dinsdag 1 februari 2011

Always know that I've got your back. don't matter wherever as long as we're together

Today I was thinking about how I could store my jewelry,
because I really have much now. 
Especially rings. I'm kind of addicted to rings.
Really, It's almost an obsession.
I also have a lot of earrings, necklaces and bracelets. And I have to put them somewhere.. so I was surfing the Net to find something.

I saw this picture on weheartit.com of an etagere, and I thought: maybe I can put my jewelry on that!
I think that looks nice and it's also useful. So I'm going to buy an etagere tomorrow!

10 opmerkingen:

Littlefashiolista zei

Love the pictures <3

Anoniem zei

wauuuw die ringen!
ik wil er ook nog wel een paar(A)

nee zei

ik snap wat je bedoeld met ringen verslaving! zelf heb ik er nu al 29! en leuk idee.

Dorien zei

Mijn collectie ringen begint ook héél erg toe te nemen, dus ik snap wat je bedoelt ;) ! Dat is wel een leuke manier om op te bergen trouwens.

mirjam schuurkamp zei

LOVE the rings!
stunning photo!

xo model from holland

New outfit post online today

everyday new post, check it out!

Manon zei

Dat is best wel een goed idee inderdaad! Leuke foto's. (:

amalie zei

thanks! you have a nice blog too.

love the jewelry! i'm obsessed with rings too.


Love the blog! I need to get organzied with my jewelry too...



this nailpolish is from rossman, "COLORMANIA" number 158.

Mariël. zei

Lijkt me leuk, maar handig?
Die eerste foto is te gek!